"L. Spiro Engine"

F:/My Projects/LSEngine/Modules/LSImageLib/Src/Jpeg/LSIJpegCommonStructs.h

00019 #include "../LSIImageLib.h"
00022 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
00023 // MACROS
00024 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
00025 #define OPJ_PATH_LEN                            4096                                                    
00027 #define J2K_MAXRLVLS                            33                                                              
00028 #define J2K_MAXBANDS                            (3*J2K_MAXRLVLS-2 )                             
00030 #define JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS           16                                                              
00031 #define JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS           16                                                              
00032 #define JPWL_MAX_NO_MARKERS                     512                                                             
00033 #define JPWL_PRIVATEINDEX_NAME          "jpwl_index_privatefilename"    
00034 #define JPWL_EXPECTED_COMPONENTS        3                                                               
00035 #define JPWL_MAXIMUM_TILES                      8192                                                    
00036 #define JPWL_MAXIMUM_HAMMING            2                                                               
00037 #define JPWL_MAXIMUM_EPB_ROOM           65450                                                   
00039 /*
00040  * Stream open flags.
00041  */
00043 #define OPJ_STREAM_READ                         0x0001
00045 #define OPJ_STREAM_WRITE                        0x0002
00048 #define opj_common_fields \
00049         opj_event_mgr_t *                               event_mgr;                                              \
00050         LSVOID *                                                client_data;                                    \
00051         LSBOOL                                                  is_decompressor;                                \
00052         OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT                                codec_format;                                   \
00053         LSVOID *                                                j2k_handle;                                             \
00054         LSVOID *                                                jp2_handle;                                             \
00055         LSVOID *                                                mj2_handle                                              
00057 namespace lsi {
00059         // == Enumerations.
00063         typedef enum RSIZ_CAPABILITIES {
00064                 STD_RSIZ = 0,                           
00065                 CINEMA2K = 3,                           
00066                 CINEMA4K = 4                            
00067         } OPJ_RSIZ_CAPABILITIES;
00072         typedef enum CINEMA_MODE {
00073                 OFF = 0,                                        
00074                 CINEMA2K_24 = 1,                        
00075                 CINEMA2K_48 = 2,                        
00076                 CINEMA4K_24 = 3                         
00077         }OPJ_CINEMA_MODE;
00082         typedef enum PROG_ORDER {
00083                 PROG_UNKNOWN = -1,                      
00084                 LRCP = 0,                                       
00085                 RLCP = 1,                                       
00086                 RPCL = 2,                                       
00087                 PCRL = 3,                                       
00088                 CPRL = 4                                        
00089         } OPJ_PROG_ORDER;
00094         typedef enum CODEC_FORMAT {
00095                 CODEC_UNKNOWN = -1,             
00096                 CODEC_J2K = 0,                          
00097                 CODEC_JPT = 1,                          
00098                 CODEC_JP2 = 2                           
00099         } OPJ_CODEC_FORMAT;
00104         typedef enum LIMIT_DECODING {
00105                 NO_LIMITATION = 0,                      
00106                 LIMIT_TO_MAIN_HEADER = 1,       
00107                 DECODE_ALL_BUT_PACKETS = 2      
00108         } OPJ_LIMIT_DECODING;
00116         class CJpegCommonStructs {
00117         public :
00118                 // == Types.
00125                 typedef LSVOID (LSE_CALL *                                                                      opj_msg_callback)( const LSCHAR * msg, LSVOID * client_data );
00135                 typedef struct opj_event_mgr {
00137                         opj_msg_callback                                                                                error_handler;
00139                         opj_msg_callback                                                                                warning_handler;
00141                         opj_msg_callback                                                                                info_handler;
00142                 } opj_event_mgr_t;
00147                 typedef struct opj_poc {
00149                         LSINT32                                                                                                 resno0, compno0;
00151                         LSINT32                                                                                                 layno1, resno1, compno1;
00153                         LSINT32                                                                                                 layno0, precno0, precno1;
00155                         OPJ_PROG_ORDER                                                                                  prg1, prg;
00157                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  progorder[5];
00159                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tile;
00161                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tx0, tx1, ty0, ty1;
00163                         LSINT32                                                                                                 layS, resS, compS, prcS;
00165                         LSINT32                                                                                                 layE, resE, compE, prcE;
00167                         LSINT32                                                                                                 txS, txE, tyS, tyE, dx, dy;
00169                         LSINT32                                                                                                 lay_t, res_t, comp_t, prc_t, tx0_t, ty0_t;
00170                 } opj_poc_t;
00175                 typedef struct opj_cparameters {
00177                         LSBOOL                                                                                                  tile_size_on;
00179                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_tx0;
00181                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_ty0;
00183                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_tdx;
00185                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_tdy;
00187                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_disto_alloc;
00189                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_fixed_alloc;
00191                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_fixed_quality;
00193                         LSINT32 *                                                                                               cp_matrice;
00195                         LSCHAR *                                                                                                cp_comment;
00197                         LSINT32                                                                                                 csty;
00199                         OPJ_PROG_ORDER                                                                                  prog_order;
00201                         opj_poc_t                                                                                               POC[32];
00203                         LSINT32                                                                                                 numpocs;
00205                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tcp_numlayers;
00207                         LSFLOAT                                                                                                 tcp_rates[100];
00209                         LSFLOAT                                                                                                 tcp_distoratio[100];
00211                         LSINT32                                                                                                 numresolution;
00213                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cblockw_init;
00215                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cblockh_init;
00217                         LSINT32                                                                                                 mode;
00219                         LSINT32                                                                                                 irreversible;
00221                         LSINT32                                                                                                 roi_compno;
00223                         LSINT32                                                                                                 roi_shift;
00225                         LSINT32                                                                                                 res_spec;
00227                         LSINT32                                                                                                 prcw_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS];
00229                         LSINT32                                                                                                 prch_init[J2K_MAXRLVLS];
00232                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  infile[OPJ_PATH_LEN];
00234                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  outfile[OPJ_PATH_LEN];
00236                         LSINT32                                                                                                 index_on;
00238                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  index[OPJ_PATH_LEN];
00240                         LSINT32                                                                                                 image_offset_x0;
00242                         LSINT32                                                                                                 image_offset_y0;
00244                         LSINT32                                                                                                 subsampling_dx;
00246                         LSINT32                                                                                                 subsampling_dy;
00248                         LSINT32                                                                                                 decod_format;
00250                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cod_format;
00254                         LSBOOL                                                                                                  jpwl_epc_on;
00256                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_hprot_MH;
00258                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_hprot_TPH_tileno[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS];
00260                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_hprot_TPH[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS];
00262                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_pprot_tileno[JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS];
00264                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_pprot_packno[JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS];
00266                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_pprot[JPWL_MAX_NO_PACKSPECS];
00268                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_sens_size;
00270                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_sens_addr;
00272                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_sens_range;
00274                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_sens_MH;
00276                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_sens_TPH_tileno[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS];
00278                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_sens_TPH[JPWL_MAX_NO_TILESPECS];
00281                         OPJ_CINEMA_MODE                                                                                 cp_cinema;
00283                         LSINT32                                                                                                 max_comp_size;
00285                         OPJ_RSIZ_CAPABILITIES                                                                   cp_rsiz;
00287                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  tp_on;
00289                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  tp_flag;
00291                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  tcp_mct;
00292                 } opj_cparameters_t;
00297                 typedef struct opj_dparameters {
00305                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_reduce;
00312                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cp_layer;
00315                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  infile[OPJ_PATH_LEN];
00317                         LSCHAR                                                                                                  outfile[OPJ_PATH_LEN];
00319                         LSINT32                                                                                                 decod_format;
00321                         LSINT32                                                                                                 cod_format;
00324                         LSBOOL                                                                                                  jpwl_correct;
00326                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_exp_comps;
00328                         LSINT32                                                                                                 jpwl_max_tiles;
00336                         OPJ_LIMIT_DECODING                                                                              cp_limit_decoding;
00338                 } opj_dparameters_t;
00345                 typedef struct opj_common_struct {
00346                         /* Fields common to both master struct types. */
00347                         opj_common_fields;
00348                         /* Additional fields follow in an actual opj_cinfo_t or
00349                          * opj_dinfo_t.  All three structs must agree on these
00350                          * initial fields!  (This would be a lot cleaner in C++.)
00351                          */
00352                 } opj_common_struct_t;
00354                 typedef opj_common_struct_t *                                                           opj_common_ptr;
00359                 typedef struct opj_cinfo {
00361                         opj_common_fields;      
00362                         /* Other specific fields go here. */
00363                 } opj_cinfo_t;
00368                 typedef struct opj_dinfo {
00370                         opj_common_fields;      
00371                         /* Other specific fields go here. */
00372                 } opj_dinfo_t;
00377                 typedef struct opj_packet_info {
00379                         LSINT32                                                                                                 start_pos;
00381                         LSINT32                                                                                                 end_ph_pos;
00383                         LSINT32                                                                                                 end_pos;
00385                         LSDOUBLE                                                                                                disto;
00386                 } opj_packet_info_t;
00391                 typedef struct opj_tp_info {
00393                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tp_start_pos;
00395                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tp_end_header;
00397                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tp_end_pos;
00399                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tp_start_pack;
00401                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tp_numpacks;
00402                 } opj_tp_info_t;
00407                 typedef struct opj_tile_info {
00409                         LSDOUBLE *                                                                                              thresh;
00411                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tileno;
00413                         LSINT32                                                                                                 start_pos;
00415                         LSINT32                                                                                                 end_header;
00417                         LSINT32                                                                                                 end_pos;
00419                         LSINT32                                                                                                 pw[33];
00421                         LSINT32                                                                                                 ph[33];
00423                         LSINT32                                                                                                 pdx[33];
00425                         LSINT32                                                                                                 pdy[33];
00427                         opj_packet_info_t *                                                                             packet;
00429                         LSINT32                                                                                                 numpix;
00431                         LSDOUBLE                                                                                                distotile;
00433                         LSINT32                                                                                                 num_tps;
00435                         opj_tp_info_t *                                                                                 tp;
00436                 } opj_tile_info_t;
00441                 typedef struct opj_marker_info_t {
00443                         LSUINT16                                                                                                type;
00445                         LSINT32                                                                                                 pos;
00447                         LSINT32                                                                                                 len;
00448                 } opj_marker_info_t;
00453                 typedef struct opj_codestream_info {
00455                         LSDOUBLE                                                                                                D_max;
00457                         LSINT32                                                                                                 packno;
00459                         LSINT32                                                                                                 index_write;
00461                         LSINT32                                                                                                 image_w;
00463                         LSINT32                                                                                                 image_h;
00465                         OPJ_PROG_ORDER                                                                                  prog;
00467                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tile_x;
00469                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tile_y;
00470                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tile_Ox;
00471                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tile_Oy;
00473                         LSINT32                                                                                                 tw;
00475                         LSINT32                                                                                                 th;
00477                         LSINT32                                                                                                 numcomps;
00479                         LSINT32                                                                                                 numlayers;
00481                         LSINT32 *                                                                                               numdecompos;
00483                         LSINT32                                                                                                 marknum;
00485                         opj_marker_info_t *                                                                             marker;
00487                         LSINT32                                                                                                 maxmarknum;
00489                         LSINT32                                                                                                 main_head_start;
00491                         LSINT32                                                                                                 main_head_end;
00493                         LSINT32                                                                                                 codestream_size;
00495                         opj_tile_info_t *                                                                               tile;
00496                 } opj_codestream_info_t;
00497         };
00499 }       // namespace lsi
00501 #endif  // __LSI_JPEGCOMMONSTRUCTS_H__
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