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lsg::CFndBase Class Reference

Common values that are used by the CFnd class but are not specific to any given graphics API and may be used/needed by the graphics API classes. More...

#include <LSGFndBase.h>

List of all members.


struct  LSG_LIGHT

Protected Types

typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct
typedef struct

Static Protected Member Functions

static LSVOID LSE_CALL InitFnd ()
static LSVOID LSE_CALL ShutDownFnd ()
static CVertexBuffer *LSE_CALL GetPostProcVertBuf ()

Static Protected Attributes

static LSG_METRICS m_mMetrics
static CMatrix4x4 m_mWorldMatrix
static CMatrix4x4 m_mViewMatrix
static CMatrix4x4 m_mProjMatrix
static CMatrix4x4 m_mWorldViewMatrix
static CMatrix4x4 m_mWorldViewProjMatrix
static CMatrix3x3 m_mNormalMatrix
static CMatrix4x4 m_mInverseWorldViewMatrix
static LSBOOL m_bWorldDirty
static LSBOOL m_bViewDirty
static LSBOOL m_bProjDirty
static LSBOOL m_bFlipRender
static LSUINT32 m_ui32ScreenWidth
static LSUINT32 m_ui32ScreenHeight
static LSINT32 m_i32ViewportX
static LSINT32 m_i32ViewportY
static LSINT32 m_i32ViewportWidth
static LSINT32 m_i32ViewportHeight
static LSINT32 m_i32LastViewportX
static LSINT32 m_i32LastViewportY
static LSINT32 m_i32LastViewportWidth
static LSINT32 m_i32LastViewportHeight
static LSUINT32 m_ui32ViewStoreCount
static CVector4 m_vDiffuseMaterial
static CVector4 m_vAmbientMaterial
static CVector4 m_vEmissiveMaterial
static CVector4 m_vSpecularMaterial
static LSREAL m_fPower
static CVector2 m_vRoughness
static CVector2 m_vAnisotropic
static LSG_LIGHT m_lLights [LSG_MAX_LIGHTS]
static LSUINT32 m_ui32MaxLight
static CVector3 m_vGroundColor
static CVector3 m_vSkyColor
static LSBOOL m_bHemisphere
static LSFLOAT m_fGaussian
static LSFLOAT m_fExposure
static LSFLOAT m_fBrightCutoff
static LSFLOAT m_fTimeSinceLastFrame
static LSBOOL m_bBlending
static LSG_BLEND_MODES m_bmSrcBlend
static LSG_BLEND_MODES m_bmDstBlend
static LSG_FILL_MODES m_fmFillMode
static LSG_DEPTH_TEST m_dtDepthTestFunc
static LSBOOL m_bDepthWrite
static LSBOOL m_bShadowMapActive
static CMatrix4x4 m_mShadowMapMatrix
static CVector3 m_vShadowMapUVDepth
static LSREAL m_fShadowMapCasterSize
static LSBOOL m_bMakeDepthCopy
static LSBOOL m_bMakeNormalCopy
static CRenderTargetManager * m_prtmRenderTargetMan
static CPostProcessor * m_pppPostProcessor
static CVertexBufferm_pcbBlitVerts


class CFnd
class CGraphicsLib
class COpenGl
class COpenGlEs
class CDirectX9
class CDirectX10
class CDirectX11

Detailed Description

Common values that are used by the CFnd class but are not specific to any given graphics API and may be used/needed by the graphics API classes.

Class CFndBase Description: Common values that are used by the CFnd class but are not specific to any given graphics API and may be used/needed by the graphics API classes.

Member Typedef Documentation

Light data. Includes directional lights, spot lights, and point lights.

System metrics.

Member Function Documentation

static CVertexBuffer* LSE_CALL lsg::CFndBase::GetPostProcVertBuf ( ) [static, protected]

Gets the post-processing vertex buffer.

Returns a pointer to the post-processing vertex buffer or NULL if it could not be created.
static LSVOID LSE_CALL lsg::CFndBase::InitFnd ( ) [static, protected]

Initializes the graphics foundation.

static LSVOID LSE_CALL lsg::CFndBase::ShutDownFnd ( ) [static, protected]

Shuts down the graphics foundation.

Member Data Documentation

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bBlending [static, protected]


LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bDepthWrite [static, protected]


LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bFlipRender [static, protected]

Should we render up-side down?

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bHemisphere [static, protected]

Is hemisphere lighting enabled?

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bMakeDepthCopy [static, protected]

If true, the shaders should output a second copy of their depths to color output #1.

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bMakeNormalCopy [static, protected]

If true, the shaders should output a second copy of their normals to color output #2.

Last blend mode (destination).

Last blend mode (source).

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bProjDirty [static, protected]

Has the projection matrix been modified?

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bShadowMapActive [static, protected]

A shadow map is active in the highest available texture slot.

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bViewDirty [static, protected]

Has the view matrix been modified?

LSBOOL lsg::CFndBase::m_bWorldDirty [static, protected]

Has the world matrix been modified?

Depth-test function.

LSFLOAT lsg::CFndBase::m_fBrightCutoff [static, protected]

The bright-pass cut-off.

LSFLOAT lsg::CFndBase::m_fExposure [static, protected]

The exposure.

LSFLOAT lsg::CFndBase::m_fGaussian [static, protected]

The gaussian scalar.

Fill mode.

LSREAL lsg::CFndBase::m_fPower [static, protected]

Specular material power.

LSREAL lsg::CFndBase::m_fShadowMapCasterSize [static, protected]

The size of the caster.

LSFLOAT lsg::CFndBase::m_fTimeSinceLastFrame [static, protected]

The time since the last render.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32LastViewportHeight [static, protected]

Last viewport height.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32LastViewportWidth [static, protected]

Last viewport width.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32LastViewportX [static, protected]

Last viewport X.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32LastViewportY [static, protected]

Last viewport Y.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32ViewportHeight [static, protected]

Viewport height.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32ViewportWidth [static, protected]

Viewport width.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32ViewportX [static, protected]

Viewport X.

LSINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_i32ViewportY [static, protected]

Viewport Y.

LSG_LIGHT lsg::CFndBase::m_lLights[LSG_MAX_LIGHTS] [static, protected]


CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mInverseWorldViewMatrix [static, protected]

The inverse world-view matrix. Updated only before rendering, and only if the world or view matrix have changed.

System metrics.

CMatrix3x3 lsg::CFndBase::m_mNormalMatrix [static, protected]

The normal matrix. It transforms normals to screen space.

CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mProjMatrix [static, protected]

The projection matrix.

CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mShadowMapMatrix [static, protected]

The shadow map matrix.

CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mViewMatrix [static, protected]

The view matrix.

CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mWorldMatrix [static, protected]

The world matrix.

CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mWorldViewMatrix [static, protected]

The world-view matrix. Updated only before rendering, and only if the world or view matrix have changed.

CMatrix4x4 lsg::CFndBase::m_mWorldViewProjMatrix [static, protected]

The world-view-projection matrix. Updated only before rendering, and only if the world, view, or projection matrices have changed.

The post-processing vertex buffer.

CPostProcessor* lsg::CFndBase::m_pppPostProcessor [static, protected]

The post processor.

CRenderTargetManager* lsg::CFndBase::m_prtmRenderTargetMan [static, protected]

The render target manager.

LSUINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_ui32MaxLight [static, protected]

Max light set.

LSUINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_ui32ScreenHeight [static, protected]

Screen height.

LSUINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_ui32ScreenWidth [static, protected]

Screen width.

LSUINT32 lsg::CFndBase::m_ui32ViewStoreCount [static, protected]

Viewport save and restore count.

CVector4 lsg::CFndBase::m_vAmbientMaterial [static, protected]

Ambient material color.

CVector2 lsg::CFndBase::m_vAnisotropic [static, protected]

Anisotropic terms.

CVector4 lsg::CFndBase::m_vDiffuseMaterial [static, protected]

Diffuse material color.

CVector4 lsg::CFndBase::m_vEmissiveMaterial [static, protected]

Emissive material color.

CVector3 lsg::CFndBase::m_vGroundColor [static, protected]

Hemisphere lighting ground color.

CVector2 lsg::CFndBase::m_vRoughness [static, protected]

Cook-Torrance roughness term.

CVector3 lsg::CFndBase::m_vShadowMapUVDepth [static, protected]

The shadow map U, V, and depth scales.

CVector3 lsg::CFndBase::m_vSkyColor [static, protected]

Hemisphere lighting sky color.

CVector4 lsg::CFndBase::m_vSpecularMaterial [static, protected]

Specular material color.

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